- 27.01.2017| 7 pm; Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 23, 10969 Berlin (taz Café)
- More information: https://www.facebook.com/actorsofurbanchange
In Bologna, a new legislation was adopted in 2014 to encourage residents to develop their city in the sense of the Urban Commons together with the city administration. The legislation, „Colaborare e Bologna“, fills a legal gap, which allows the city administration to work unbureaucratically with individuals and organizations from different sectors. Prof. Christian Iaione, Rome (input), Giovanni Ginocchini, Bologna, Marco Clausen, Berlin, and Dr. Mary Dellenbaugh from the URG in conversation with Dr. Martin Schwegmann, Berlin.
Newspaper: Actorsd of Urban Change – Urban Commons
The newspaper was published for the program Actors of Urban Change of Robert Bosch Stiftung under contributions of Urban Research Group members Mary Dellenbaugh-Losse and Martin Schwegmann.