Sociology; Post-doc at the Georg-Simmel-Center for Metropolitan Studies.
Born 1976 in Hamilton, ON
1999 B.A. in Philosophy and Theology, Munich School of Philosophy, SJ
1999 – 2000 Studies in Theology at Universidad Centroamericana, San Salvador, El Salvador
2002 Undergraduate diploma in Social Sciences at Humboldt Universität, Berlin
2004 M.A. in Sociology, New School for Social Research, New York City
2004 Union Semester, Queens College, CUNY
2004 – 2006 Organizer with Picture the Homeless (link), New York City
2006 – 2009 Teaching Assistant at York University, Toronto
2009 – 2010 „Catholic Worker“ at Maryhouse, New York City
2010 – 2014 Researcher „Socialist City in the 21st Century: Modernist Legacies and Contemporary Urban Policy-Making“ (with PI: Douglas Young; Lisa Drummond; York University)
2011 – 2015 Member of the Working Group „Undocumented Labor“ at German service sector union „ver.di“ in Berlin
2016 Ph.D. in Sociology at York University, Toronto und Planer im Bereich Stadtentwicklung 2006/2007 Assistenzprofessor an der Königlich Dänischen
2015 – 2016 Researcher at Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (BMBF project on „Sustainable research“; link)
2016 – 2018 Post-doc at the Graduate School of Urban Studies, Technische Universität, Darmstadt
since 2018 Post-doc at the Georg-Simmel-Center for Metropolitan Studies, Humboldt Universität, Berlin. EU-funded research project on adaptive reuse of cultural heritage „Open Heritage“ (link)
since 2019 Co-editor of the Urban Political podcast (link)
transdisciplinarity and collaborative research
urban sociology
undocumented migration and labor
cultural heritage
Kip, Markus und Douglas Young. 2020. „The Paradox of Preserving Modernism. Heritage Debates at Alexanderplatz.“ In: Socialist and Post-socialist Urbanisms. A Global Perspective. Lisa Drummond und Douglas Young, eds., 185-203. University of Toronto Press.
Kip, Markus und Christoph Sommer. 2019. „Commoning in New Tourism Areas. Co-performing evening socials at Admiralbrücke in Berlin-Kreuzberg“ In Tourism and Everyday Life in the Contemporary City. Thomas Frisch, Christoph Sommer, Stoltenberg und Natalie Stors, eds., 211-231. Routledge.
Kip, Markus. 2017. The Ends of Union Solidarity: Undocumented Labour and German Trade Unions. Book Series Labor and Globalization. International Center for Development and Decent Work No. 10. Hampp Verlag.
Cyrus, Norbert und Markus Kip. 2015. „Arbeitsrechte mobilisieren ohne Aufenthaltsstatus. Von faktischer Rechtlosigkeit zur Veränderung geltenden Rechts?“
Industrielle Beziehungen 22 (1): 33-50.
Dellenbaugh, Mary, Markus Kip, Majken Bieniok, Agnes Müller und Martin Schwegmann, Eds. 2015. Urban Commons. Moving Beyond State and Market. Bauwelt Fundamente No. 154. Birkhäuser / De Gruyter.
Kip, Markus und Wladimir Sgibnev, Eds. 2014 / 2015. Double Issue „Modernism and the (Post-)Socialist City“, Europa Regional 22 (1-2)
Kip, Markus, Alan Bourke und Tia Dafnos, Hg. 2011. Lumpencity. Discourses of Marginality – Marginalizing Discourses. Red Quill Books